WHAT TO EXPECT in Rockaway

As defined by the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. As a holistic practice, we place special effort into encompassing these three aspects. One way we do this is by utilizing the term “Practice Member” instead of “patient.”
As a member of our practice we hope to develop a relationship with you that is rooted in unity, hope, and love to encourage you through the healing process. We strive to create an environment where you feel empowered and free to choose, express, and be yourself. We believe this sense of community, connection, and freedom has extraordinary healing powers, and when combined with chiropractic, can be life-changing.
We humbly welcome you to ADJUST Chiropractic Health Center in Rockaway as a new Practice Member. We are grateful for this opportunity to support you on your journey to a higher level of health, and we can’t wait to serve you!
learn what to expect during your first 2 visits in Rockaway
- New Practice Member Health Forms: As a new Practice Member, you will need to fill out a few forms prior to your first visit. By completing this paperwork before your appointment, this will save you about 20 minutes in the office. With the information you provide, we can better understand your healthcare needs and how we can best serve you.
- Consultation: Your story matters to us. Upon arrival, you will receive a one-on-one consultation to discuss your health concerns and your specific health goals.
- Evaluation: The nervous system is the master controller of the body. A healthy nervous system is essential for a healthy life. Since only about 10% of our nervous system can feel pain, we’ll do a physical evaluation to get an exact assessment of how your spine and nervous system are functioning.
- Chiropractic Postural X-Rays: If necessary, we will take specific, chiropractic postural x-rays with our on-site digital x-ray suite. X-rays allow the doctors to see the highest areas of stress in the spine, as well as what areas to avoid and what areas to focus on. At your first visit, we will schedule your next appointment called the Report of Findings.
- Report of Findings: Knowledge is an important part of the healing process, and it is essential in order to make conscious, informed health decisions. After your consultation, assessment, and x-rays (if applicable), the doctors will study your case so they can give you the best recommendations for care. This appointment is arguably the most important visit you’ll have with us. We will teach you how to read your own x-rays, review your findings and recommendations, and discuss financials.
- The ADJUST Experience: Your health is our #1 priority. We not only want you feeling your best, we want you functioning at your maximum potential. That's why we create a customized care plan specifically designed to fit your health goals and needs. At your Report of Findings, should you choose to move forward with care, you will receive your first neurologically-based chiropractic adjustment!
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Adjust Chiropractic
Health Center
85 Green Pond Road #3
Rockaway, NJ 07866